The deserving winner of Escape the Ordinary for April only a few months ago embarked on a new challenge, taking on the DZ Operations Manager for VIC and traded the sunshine and relaxed community of Airlie Beach. Elly Watkins has had an enormous amount thrown at her from the moment she jumped into the role and continues to shine and receive praise from many departments and her colleagues.
Elly is recognised as this month’s winner for being a constant support to not only her team but also her Managers at other Drop Zones, sharing her knowledge
& resources to make the roles of others easier. Elly and the VIC team have worked tirelessly to do whatever it takes to recruit, train and empower a higher level of quality and presentation in all 3 drop zones. Elly, your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Thank you for your commitment to the role and we cannot wait to see what you and your team achieve in the months to come.
If you would like to nominate someone for May’s ‘Escape the Ordinary’, click the link here.