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Congratulations to Noosa DZ for continually smashing their records with great teamwork, communication and enthusiasm. 

On Saturday 19th February they processed an epic 82 tandems, making it their all time best day! With 52 tandems the next day, they also broke their back to back 2 day record.

Chief Instructor Luke Oliver credited the spectacular display of teamwork, all the new staff members slotting into the team brilliantly, with team members filling unusual roles to get the job done. It was a welcome return to form after some fairly forgettable weather over Christmas and New Year.

Luke on his team, “Four of our best five days, all 70+, have been in the last twelve months. I put that down largely to the work my DZSOs (Jeremy; Chris; Jimmy) have been doing in their newly-acknowledged leadership positions, and Tina’s outstanding work with the ground team – manifest, drivers, and GCAs have to perform at their best as well to make these results happen.”

Their eyes are set on a new record of 100 in a day come December, go team Noosa!