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This week marks the 10 year work anniversary of one of our Head Parachute Packers at NZONE, Sean Robertson. Congratulations to Sean for all your excellent work with NZONE this past decade! To mark the occasion Sean has been presented with a sacred Pounamu greenstone, which is a traditional gift representing peace. In Mฤori culture the Pounamu talisman has a rich history, each shape having a spiritual meaning. The Toki, which Sean was given, is associated with strength and power. 

When you wear a pounamu, it is believed some of your life force transfers to the stone, with the stone returning in kind, so you become one. Passing on a pounamu to another wearer after many years of wear, is passing on a piece of themselves, an ancient and spiritually significant gift in Mฤori culture. Geologically pounamu are artistically crafted from green stones such as jade, bowenite, or serpentinite.

We look forward to many more years with Sean working alongside our NZONE team.